Yearly Archives: 2023

What Happens if You Don’t Have Roof Flashing?

A large sloped metal residential roof with two brick chimneys with flashing around

Learn More about Important Roof Structures

The traditional roofs on homes here in Canton, Georgia, and around the country have eight basic components: 

  • The roof decking.
  • The metal drip edge.
  • The underlayment. 
  • An ice and water shield.
  • The exterior roofing material.
  • The ridge cap.
  • Roofing vents.

And last, but by no means least important and not an option, the roof flashing. What is roof flashing? Using asphalt shingled roofs as our example in this article, roof flashing is made of a thin metal material, typically galvanized steel. It is installed over and/or under the shingles as a layer of protection for the shingles in critical areas. 

What are the critical areas that need roof flashing? 

The areas where professional roofing contractors install roof flashing are where water could seep under the shingles, causing a roof leak. Those areas include the roof valleys, around chimneys, dormers, skylights, and vents. Another key area for roof flashing is along the roof planes where walls meet.

Roof flashing is installed in these areas to redirect water down the roof, into the gutter system. From there, the gutter runs send the water to the downspouts, and the water is redirected again out and away from the foundation. 

Do all roofs need flashing?

Definitely!  Without roof flashing, or if the roof flashing is damaged, deteriorated, or missing, the roof is susceptible to leaking in these critical areas. Once a leak begins on a roof, it has a cascading effect and will spread throughout the roof. Water is one of the most dangerous things when it comes to the structure of a home, and will cause damage, eventually destroying the entire structure. 

Should roof flashing go over or under shingles?

It depends on where the flashing is being installed. Along the chimney, step flashing is installed which are squares of the metal roof flashing, overlapping between the shingles going along the chimney sides. 

The basic roof flashing that is installed in the roof valleys is installed under the shingles. In this manner, as water cascades down the roof, it can’t get under the shingles and the roof valley acts like a gutter, keeping the water running. 

Roof flashing is also installed around roof protrusions like the dormers, skylights, and vents. The flashing is usually integrated into the skylight’s design, and with dormers, it is installed like it is around the chimney, in “steps” with the shingles. 

What are the options for roof flashing material?

There are several types of roof flashing that break into different categories, as we described some of the main ones above. The materials used for roof flashing can vary, but the most common is galvanized sheet metal. Why galvanized sheet metal? Because of its durability.

Aluminum is used in some instances because it is easier to work with, making installation easier. And on some high-end roofing, copper is used.  There is also PVC roof flashing, while it is cheaper, you do get what you pay for, and it has a shorter lifespan than other roof flashing materials. A new product used for roof flashing is made with synthetic materials and composites, and the different properties of this roof flashing have proven to be easy to install and durable. 

Are there any problems with roof flashing?

Yes, there can be problems with roof flashing that can lead to roof leaks and more damage if those problems are found and corrected. The problem that roof flashing can have includes getting old over time. 

Like the roof itself, roof flashing ages too, and in areas where the temperatures fluctuate, the flashing often gets warped from the structure settling. On an asphalt shingled roof, the flashing should be replaced every 20 years, and when the roofing is replaced. 

 Another problem with roof flashing is the weather, like heavy rains and high winds. This is when you’ll find out if your roof flashing was installed correctly and is in good condition. The ice and snow that can cover a roof in the winter can weaken roof flashing too as the melting result of water gets under the flashing, and freezes, causing the flashing to come loose, this can lead to problems of roof leaks. 

And the biggest problem with roof flashing is the initial installation. When it isn’t installed correctly, or if the roofing contractor takes shortcuts, leaks are sure to happen. And of course, accidental damage to the roof can damage the roof flashing, like tree limbs brushing against it in high winds, pulling it loose from the roof.

Keeping Things Moving

To summarize, roof flashing keeps the water moving in a way that the roof is protected. It is an essential component of the many components of a roof and should be inspected 2-3 times a year, especially after any significant weather that included hard rains and high winds.

When you need roof flashing replacement in Canton, GA, you need our team! We can handle your roofing issues with alacrity. Give us a call at 770-735-4433 to schedule an appointment today!

What Can I Put on My Roof To Keep Squirrels Away?


Squirrels and Homes

Squirrels are cute little critters. With the little head and big, bushy tail. Watching baby squirrels chase each other around and around a tree can be enjoyable. But when they get into your attic, and eventually, they will make their way into the house, they aren’t so cute and enjoyable anymore. That’s when you need squirrel deterrent flashing

What attracted those cute little critters to your house? 

Squirrels feed on acorns, bird seeds, fruit, fungi, insects nuts, and vegetables. They love bird feeders and squirrel feeders too, but if it gets empty and they can find a fruit tree or vegetable garden, they’re coming in! Unless you have a squirrel deterrent flashing installed.

What kind of damage can squirrels do to your house? 

You may be thinking that if these little critters are so adorable and cute to watch, surely they aren’t dangerous! If you are, you would be wrong, and if you’ve got squirrels in your attic, you need to call a pest control service that handles squirrels. 

If you’ve ever really looked at a squirrel and looked at a mouse or rat, they are very similar to each other. And nobody wants a mouse or rat running around inside their home! So, just what kind of damage can a squirrel do to your house? Keep on reading: 

  • Damage Building Materials

Squirrels are determined creatures and if they can find a crack or hole, they will make their way through it and into your house. Okay, maybe you’ve covered or patched all the cracks and holes, problem solved right? Wrong! 

When they can’t find a crack or hole to push their way in, they start chewing on roofing shingles, siding, and anything else they can gnaw. Once they are inside, they will find more stuff to chew on like wooden roof joists, walls, insulation, and more. With squirrel deterrent flashing installed, they won’t be able to get into your attic and you’ll avoid the following:

  • Chew On Wiring

Now the squirrel has found a way into your attic, it starts looking for utility lines and wiring in the walls. They are good at getting around in the dark, so they are working 24/7 to find materials they can make their nests with, cloth, wiring, wood, etc. 

  • Dig Up Gardens

Not only are squirrels looking for nesting materials, but they are also looking for food too. They can chew their way into cabinets and pantries, and from there, they’re eating your food. Squirrels like eating out too – in your garden. With a squirrel deterrent flashing installed, they would be stopped before they got in the attic. 

  • Gnaw On Furniture

Any outdoor furniture you have is up for grabs by the squirrels. They love gnawing on outdoor furniture, especially if there is a hole or tear in the cushions. That makes good material for nesting. Once they are in your house, they won’t hesitate to gnaw on indoor furniture too. They’ll even gnaw on metal and plastic furniture too. 

squirrel eating a nut

Are squirrels dangerous to humans? 

The majority of the time, squirrels aren’t any danger to humans. That’s why we find them cute and just watch them running around trees and across hi-line wires. Usually, when they are approached by humans or feel they are being approached, they’ll scamper off.  

However, these cute little critters have been known to attack and inflict wounds. Most rodents (yes squirrels are considered rodents), are likely to have rabies, but rarely do squirrels have them. If a squirrel does attack a human, it is usually because it contracted rabies making them aggressive. Again, if you have squirrel deterrent flashing installed on your home, that will eliminate the chances of a rabid squirrel getting into your attic and into the living quarters below.

How does a squirrel deterrent flashing work and where do you get it?

Squirrel deterrent flashing is a metal strip that is installed by a roofing contractor tightly into the roofing system. It is thick enough they can’t claw and gnaw their way into your attic. It is installed in roof valleys, roof steps, and other places that are tempting for these cute critters. 

How long does this type of squirrel deterrent flashing last?

Because a squirrel can chew through metal, you want to get the thickest metal squirrel deterrent flashing you can find. You can also implement other types of squirrel deterrents such as flashing strobe lights designed to ward off squirrels along with Norway rats, roof rats, raccoons, and almost any other rodent. Many of these claim to be 100% effective, even in houses that were already infested with these critters. 

For The Animal Lover …. 

There are many people that don’t want squirrels in their houses any more than they want mice, rats, or other critters. But they don’t want to harm them. So, is squirrel deterrent flashing humane? The metal flashing that a roofing contractor installs isn’t harmful to these critters, and there is debate by many if the flashing lights or high-pitched sounding squirrel deterrents even work, much less harmful. 

If you have a squirrel or other type of rodent getting in your attic and into your home, call a roofing contractor and have the metal squirrel deterrent flashing installed. You know it won’t harm the critters, but it will keep them out of your house.

Affordable Gutters Plus LLC provides professional installation of squirrel deterrent flashing in Canton, GA. Call 770-735-4433 today to learn more.

How Can You Keep Squirrels Out of Your Gutters?

Roofer checking gutters

Addressing Critters and Pests on Home Exteriors

Squirrels are adorable furry little creatures …. From afar! You don’t want them running through the gutters, gnawing their way into the walls, and chewing on electrical wires. As society has become ‘civilized’, we have found many different ways to deter the cute little critters from getting into our homes. One of the latest gadgets is squirrel deterrent flashing lights. 

Now the question is, do these squirrel deterrent flashing lights really work? It is said that in general, squirrels are not afraid of lights, but motion-sensing lights do seem to startle them, making their surroundings uncomfortable. 

Perhaps the next question would be, “Why don’t squirrel deterrent flashing lights work?”. Bright flashing lights don’t work in repelling squirrels any more than high-pitch frequency sounds because squirrels are not nocturnal creatures. In addition, they have become acclimated to humans and living around us, almost becoming tamed creatures. 

Are other animals deterred by squirrel deterrent flashing lights? 

Flashing light technology has become known to deter animal predators, but many ecologists however, after researching and studying this squirrel deterrent flashing types of devices that creates false eyes can intimidate potential predators. They sense they are watching larger predators that are more menacing. This has proven to work on nocturnal creatures, which squirrels are not. 

Squirrels aren’t the only critters that make their way into our homes via attics and crawlspaces, where they chew the electrical wiring along with gnawing into ceilings and walls. Other unwanted critters that the squirrel deterrent flashing devices will keep away are: 

  • Bobcats
  • Feral Cats
  • Groundhogs
  • Norway Rats
  • Raccoons
  • Norway Rats
  • Opossums
  • Roof Rats
  • Skunks

How do squirrel deterrent flashing lights work? 

It has been determined that squirrel deterrent flashing light devices work by the high-intensity lights that affect their eyesight, making it difficult to move around in. Studies have found that after the squirrel deterrent flashing lights are installed, they do seem to leave the area. 

How effective are squirrel deterrent flashing lights? 

Research has found that squirrel deterrent flashing lights are effective in just that – deterring them. However, more research and time are still needed to determine if they repel them. 

How long does squirrel deterrent flashing lights last? 

Depending on the brand of squirrel deterrent flashing you choose, each has a different lifespan and rating. Most have a 7000-hour lifespan of continuous use, lasting up to 1 year or longer.

Are squirrel deterrent flashing lights safe for birds and other wildlife? 

It is hard to imagine anyone wanting birds or other wildlife in the attic, nesting and causing damage, but, no worries of squirrel deterrent flashing light devices harming them.  In most cases, they deter other animals from approaching your property or getting into your attic, crawlspace, etc. 

Are squirrel deterrent flashing lights weatherproof? 

While most squirrel deterrent flashing light devices are designed to be used indoors, like the attic and crawlspace, each manufacturer will have the specifications for their product listed on the packaging or in the directions. 

How much do squirrel deterrent flashing lights cost? 

The cost of squirrel deterrent flashing light devices can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The designs, features, and functionality can be factors in the pricing, with the less expensive starting at around $25.00 and they go up from there.

Do squirrel deterrent flashing lights require any maintenance?

Once you have plugged your squirrel deterrent flashing light device in, you won’t need to do anything more! This beats the heck out of live traps where you have to take your catch into the wild and let it loose. Since most last up to 1 year or longer, the only maintenance you need to plan is having to replace them when the time comes. 

Wrapping Up – Is It All Worthwhile?

Keep in mind squirrels are not nocturnal creatures. You can simply look outside in the early morning and into the afternoon. They are different in that compared to mice and rats who prefer to be out and about at night. So, are deterrent flashing light devices worth the cost and effort? 

Well, if you’ve had to hire an electrician to repair wiring recently, or a contractor to replace gnawed flashing or roof trim, or pay to have your gutters cleaned, repaired, or replaced, you may be thinking, “Why not?”. Because they aren’t an expensive investment, give them a try. As we pointed out, they don’t harm or kill any of those unwanted critters, they simply keep them at bay.

Take the position that squirrels should be contained in nature, like parks and the wild, along with other critters that can be damaging. Even for those who believe they can tame the wild, their natural instincts can take over, and if they get out of their cage, or wherever you’re keeping them, and find their way into your attic, crawlspace, etc. Give us a call at 770-735-4433 if you want to learn more about squirrel deterrent lights in Canton, GA!

When Do I Need Roof Drainage Repair?

Damaged Gutters

When do I need roof drainage repair?

Have you ever wondered about the importance of a gutter system on houses? A professionally installed gutter system creates a clean, crisp, edge trim around the roofline. But they also provide roof drainage too. Are roof drains necessary? Absolutely, and that is the main purpose of a gutter system. Roof drainage provides a way for water to be redirected down and away from the house and the foundation. And if the gutter system is failing, roof drainage repairs are essential to protecting the roof, the foundation, and the entire structural well-being of the house. 

Where does roof drain water go?

With a flat roofing system, roof drains are installed where the roof collects the most water. Then that water flows into a system of pipes which are installed below the roof and into a gutter system, to downspouts, and then out and away from the structure. Roof drainage repair for a flat roof is extremely important because, without the proper, working drainage system, the flat roof would accumulate water, and ponding and pooling would begin, with the possibility of the roof collapsing. 

For a standard home with pitched roofing, the roof drains into the gutter runs, into specifically placed downspouts, and then out and away from the structure. The gutter runs are attached to the fascia of a house and become a part of the outer curb appearance of a home. 

Roof drainage repair for this type of system includes making sure the gutter runs aren’t bent, broken, loose, or missing. When a gutter run isn’t in the proper position, the water can spill over and puddle around the foundation, or it backs up under the shingles, seeps to the roof decking, into the attic, and further damage ensues. 

What are the dangers of a broken roof drain?

Roof drainage repairs that are not addressed can lead to a few problems, each getting more expensive as time passes. 

  • Water Damage: 

It is estimated that over 8 percent of all home repair expenses are results from water damage, starting with wood rot. The eaves, fascia, and soffit can be destroyed by poor roof drainage. Repairs for these issues can cost a homeowner $1,000s and can keep climbing if the need for roof drainage repairs is not addressed. 

  • Health Issues: 

When the roof drainage repairs are ignored, it can cause mildew and mold to form and spread. These both are potential for causing health issues like breathing issues. 

  • Structure Damage

Poor roof drainage repairs left unaddressed will cause problems with the foundation, which will affect the walls. Some of the damage that can happen is cracking of any asphalt, deterioration of the outer building material like brick or siding, and the ground eroding and weakening the foundation. The ceilings, flooring, and walls become discolored where the water seeps through. 

  • Exterior Damage

Beyond the structural damage and health issues we’ve mentioned, roof drainage repairs can keep your flowerbeds, gardens, and surrounding landscape in good condition. When water can accumulate on the lawn, it destroys the dirt and mulch, making the surface uneven and messy. The water will destroy any plants, shrubs, and more. 

How do I know if my roof drain is damaged?

Locating where roof drainage repairs are needed on the roof isn’t always immediately visible. A few indicators that are telling that you need roof drainage repairs are: 

  • The first place to check is the gutter system. When there is water flowing over instead of through the gutter system, it is usually a clog somewhere along the line. 
  • Check the gutters for vertical streaks of dirt on the exterior of the siding and the gutters, mud splatters, and blistering paint. 
  • After the gutter drains the water, you need to watch where it goes. If the downspouts haven’t been installed properly, or have come loose, they can’t divert the water as intended. Make sure the downspouts are connected and pointed in a way to divert the water away from the foundation. 
  • Check your gardens and landscaping for signs of erosion. When roof drainage repairs are needed, they will often show up in these areas because of their proximity to the roof drainage. 
  • Check the basement for possible water damage, visible by areas of crust-like substance in grey or white, which is efflorescence. This is caused by mineral deposits from evaporated water. 

How do I keep my roof drain from clogging?

Regular roof cleaning will minimize clogs and should be a part of your home maintenance. Keeping the gutter runs clean, will stop any clogs, and lessen the amount of roof drainage repairs needed. This is especially true during the season when leaves and twigs are falling. 

How often should roof drains be cleaned?

In the Canton, Georgia area, your roof should be cleaned once at the end of spring. This will remove any dirt, dust, leave, twigs, and pollen. Then again after winter, a full roof inspection along with roof and gutter cleaning should be done. This will give you the opportunity to see if there is any roof damage, or roof drainage repairs needed, replacing as needed. 

How do I fix a leaky roof drain?

For a flat roof drainage repair, you can apply an acrylic or mastic waterproof coating, or any type of waterproof roof sealant and cover the exterior of the drain, going all the way around it.  For traditional sloped roofing, you’ll need to repair or replace the gutter runs and/or downspouts.
This may require replacing sections of the gutter runs, or you may be able to put it back together and then cover the seam with a waterproof sealant. If you need to replace sections of the gutter runs, overlap the edges of the replacement pieces with the existing pieces. Then apply a coat of sealant over the seam and screws. 

Who do I call when my roof drain is damaged?

A professional roofing contractor is the best source for roof drainage repairs and replacement. If the roofing contractor finds the damage is a plumbing issue, they will advise you accordingly.

Worker Repairs a Roof Drain

In Closing – Are roof drains connected to sewers?

In most, if not all cities, roofs should never be connected to the sewer system for draining the roof runoff.  Building and code compliances are in place in municipal areas and any infraction could result in the homeowner being fined. 

Get in touch with Affordable Gutters Plus LLC for gutter and roof drain repair in Canton, GA by calling 770-735-4433.