Monthly Archives: March 2024

Can You Repair Damaged Fascia Board?

The fascia on a residential home

Learn More About Your Home’s Architecture

There is more to a roof than the shingles you see from the street. Under the roof are the underlayment, decking, joists, and insulation. Around the outer part of the roof is the fascia board and soffit. 

When you have gutters installed, they appear to be connected to the roof, when in fact, they are attached to the fascia board. Repairing the fascia board is an important part of the gutter run system. 

What is the fascia board? 

The fascia board is the trim that runs along the roof edges. The fascia board is connected to the roof rafters and closes off access to the attic. The purpose of a fascia board is to provide a protective layer against the elements that Mother Nature tosses out. In most homes the fascia board is wood but, depending on a home’s architectural style, it may be PVC or non-corrosive sheet metal. In most cases, when fascia board repairs are needed, it is typically the wooden ones, however, PVC or sheet metal fascia board, repairs may be needed as well, just not as frequently. 

How does the fascia board get damaged? 

While the fascia board’s purpose is to provide protection against the weather,  it does take a beating simply because of where it is located. Often when a home needs roof repair, fascia board repairs or replacements are needed too. Here are two key factors that can damage and cause fascia boards to start rotting. 

  • Leaking

This is the most common reason that causes fascia boards to rot is leaking gutter runs. Gutter runs can start leaking are improperly aligned downspouts. Excess moisture backs up into the fascia board and over time, water rot starts. 

  • Storms

The fascia board is considered to be the weaker component of the roof, and it is exposed to the elements, like high winds and rain during storms. This can leave your home needing fascia board repair or replacement. 

What happens when you don’t have fascia board repairs done?

When you put off having fascia board repairs done, your home is at risk to the elements. It can also cause your home to use more energy as the cooled and heated air escapes through the fascia board area. If you’re getting a new roof, make sure a new drip edge is included as well as fascia board repair or replacement. 

Can fascia board repairs be done without removing the soffit?

Because the soffit is positioned under the fascia, removing the fascia with the soffit still in position could damage the soffit.  A professional roofing or siding contractor will know the best way to fascia board repair or replacement that will cause damage. 

Can you replace the fascia board without removing the gutters?

No, if you’re making any fascia board repair or replacement, the gutter runs, and possibly the downspouts will need to be removed first. Anything attached to the fascia board will need to be removed, such as holiday lighting, plants, etc. 

How is the wooden fascia board repaired?

With wooden fascia board, when it needs repairs, a contractor will typically choose to completely replace it. This isn’t something that should be a DIY project. Sometimes the contractor is able to do fascia board repair of a small section of just a few feet. They can cut the damaged sections and replace them with new wood, making sure it is secure between two rafters.

What does a damaged fascia board look like? 

Some indications that you may need to consider having a contractor inspect and provide an estimate for fascia board repairs or replacement are:

  • A fascia board that is unsealed or doesn’t have trim installed, leaves the fascia exposed to moisture which leads to wood rot. 
  • Fascia board that has algae, fungus, and mold is typical because it has become wet. Fascia board repairs aren’t sufficient. 
  • Fascia board with cracks are often because of fluctuating temperature. Fascia board repairs aren’t possible at this point, replacement is the only option. 
  • Animal and critter damage happens when they gain access through the tiniest gaps and chew into them, trying to get to the attic for shelter. When this happens fascia board repairs aren’t going to be sufficient. 
  • Bent or bowing fascia board often indicates structural issues and should be addressed by your roofing contractor, maybe a structural engineer. 

How much does a new fascia board cost?

This can depend on the type of wood the contractor chooses to use and where they source the materials. It can vary between suppliers but can cost up to $200 per square foot. The labor to tear the damaged or old fascia board and replace it with new wood is in addition to the cost of the materials. 

In Conclusion

Fortunately, fascia board replacement is approximately every 10 years. Some fascia boards last longer, such as the PVC and metal fascia. Aluminum of plastic are the best types of material for fascia replacements. Both are considered durable and weather-resistant materials that could give you a longer lifespan over wood. Now is the time to call us if you need fascia board repair in Canton, GA! Reach our friendly team at 770-735-4433!

Why do roof drains leak?

close-up of a shingle roof

Why do roof drains leak?

A roof needs a suitable drain because if it isn’t draining, water has to go somewhere. Therefore, it’s necessary to get roof drain repair done as soon as you notice issues. This is especially important during the spring and winters we experience here in the Canton, Georgia, area. You will commonly find roof drains on flat roofing structures. The roof drain receives water that collects on the roof surface and discharges it onto the ground, a combined sewer system, or a storm drainage system. If the roof drains malfunction, this can lead to severe roof leaks, making roof drain repairs incredibly important, especially on flat roofing systems. 

What leads to the need for roof drain repairs?

You may notice the need for roof drain repairs if you have roofing problems such as leaks. Some things that can contribute to roof repairs and roof drain repairs include:  

  • Leaking Roofs: Not all leaking roofs are immediately apparent, but a professional roof inspection can find hidden problems. If you notice a leak, addressing it as soon as possible is essential. The roof may need repair or replacement, though you may also need roof drain repairs. 
  • Metal Roofing: All roofing materials can have problems, and metal roofing isn’t an exception. If the roof drain isn’t working properly, rain can seep in between the seams and under the flashing and fasteners. If the drains and gutters aren’t working correctly, you may need a metal roof and drain repairs. 
  • Synthetic Roof Underlayment: The underlayment, installed on the roof decking and roofing shingles, provides a layer of protection against water seepage that can lead to more damage within your home. If the gutters and drains aren’t working right, you should have the roof inspected for possible roof drain repairs.
  • The Gutters: As you’ve probably gathered by now, gutters are essential for a healthy, properly draining roof. This includes having any roof drain repairs done when problems are found. The gutter system is only as good as the drains. Broken roofing shingles can also require roof drain repair. The shattered pieces can get washed into the gutter runs and clog the roof drains. Repairing this starts with clearing the clog, finding the damaged shingles, and replacing them as needed. 

As asphalt shingles wear, the granules fill the gutter runs and eventually clog the roof drains. Even when the gutters are cleaned regularly, they can damage the roof drain, and repairs will go beyond the gutters and drains if you aren’t on top of this issue.

What is the difference between primary and secondary roof drains?

A properly installed and working roof drain system will consist of a primary and a secondary roof drain. They work in conjunction with each other and with gutter runs if the structure has these installed.

A secondary roof drain connects the vertical piping to the primary storm drainage conductor downstream of the last parallel offset just below the roof. 

The primary drain is the storm drainage connected to the structure. The water drainage goes into the underground public storm sewer system. 

If any part of this roof drain system is broken or clogged, it is essential to get roof drain repairs promptly. When ignored or repairs are delayed, they can cause ponding on a flat roof or water backing up under the roofing material of a sloped roof, creating leaks and further damage.

How do you unclog a roof drain?

There are a few different methods for unclogging a roof drain. First, you need to remove any loose debris on top of the drain. If you’re lucky, that is the only problem causing the clog!  

Next, look inside the drain with a flashlight and see if you can tell what is causing the blockage. If you see a bird or critter nest, call a professional to clear the clog and make any necessary roof drain repairs. 

One option for clearing a clogged roof drain is using a garden hose at full blast to push any debris causing the blockage out. Push the hose down further into the drain for extra force. 

If the water hose didn’t clear the clog, another option is to use a long pipe brush along with the water hose. Keep pushing the brush into the drain until you can’t reach any further. Then, use the garden hose method. 

Keeping It Clear Is Key

Monthly roof inspections should include the drain using the flashlight as described above. By keeping the roof drain clear, you’ll minimize the need for professional roof drain repair service. 

The Benefits of Professional Gutter Inspection: Identifying Issues Before They Escalate

man using a drill to install or repair a gutter downspout

Keep Your Roof in Good Shape with Regular Gutter Inspection

A professional gutter inspection is essential for maintaining the integrity of your home’s roofing system and preventing water damage. Here’s what you can expect from a professional gutter inspection:

  1. Visual Inspection: A professional gutter inspector will start by visually inspecting the gutters from ground level. They will look for obvious signs of damage, such as sagging, corrosion, rust, or loose connections. They’ll also check for any blockages caused by debris, leaves, or nests.
  2. Safety Precautions: If the inspector needs to access the roof for a closer inspection, they will take appropriate safety precautions, such as using a ladder with stabilizers or safety harnesses. Safety is paramount during gutter inspections to prevent accidents or injuries.
  3. Roof Inspection: While inspecting the gutters, the professional may also assess the condition of the roof surface. They’ll look for missing or damaged shingles, flashing issues, and signs of water damage or leaks around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights.
  4. Gutter Alignment and Pitch: The inspector will check the alignment and pitch of the gutters to ensure they are properly sloped toward the downspouts for efficient water drainage. Improper alignment or pitch can lead to water pooling and overflowing gutters.
  5. Downspout Inspection: The downspouts play a crucial role in directing water away from the foundation of the house. The inspector will check for any blockages or obstructions in the downspouts and ensure they are securely attached to the gutters and directed away from the house.
  6. Sealant and Caulking Inspection: The inspector will examine the sealant and caulking around gutter seams, joints, and end caps. They’ll look for signs of deterioration or gaps that could lead to water leakage and recommend repairs or resealing if necessary.
  7. Gutter Cleaning: If the gutters are clogged with debris, the inspector may recommend or perform gutter cleaning to remove obstructions and ensure proper water flow. Cleaning may involve using specialized tools or equipment to clear debris from the gutters and downspouts.
  8. Recommendations and Repairs: Based on their inspection findings, the professional gutter inspector will provide recommendations for any necessary repairs or maintenance to ensure the gutters function effectively. This may include replacing damaged sections, reinforcing loose connections, or installing gutter guards to prevent debris buildup.
  9. Documentation and Report: After completing the inspection, the inspector may provide you with a detailed report outlining their findings, recommendations, and any repairs performed. This documentation can serve as a valuable reference for future maintenance or insurance purposes.
  10. Follow-up Maintenance: Depending on the condition of your gutters and the recommendations provided, the inspector may recommend a schedule for regular gutter maintenance to keep your gutters in optimal condition and prevent future issues.

Overall, a professional gutter inspection is a proactive step in maintaining your home’s exterior and protecting it from water damage. It’s advisable to schedule a gutter inspection at least once a year, preferably in the spring or fall, to address any potential issues before they escalate. If you’re in need of a professional gutter inspection in Canton, {nw_data field=state], reach us at 770-735-4433. We are highly trained and ready to help you preserve your home and roofing investment.

How Do You Repair Soffit and Fascia?

A close-up view of soffit and fascia

Understanding Your Roof Architecture

The roofs on homes in and around the Canton, Georgia area have more than shingles or other types of roofing materials. There is also a soffit and fascia board. Repairing these two components is just as important as the roof itself. 

What is the purpose of the soffit and fascia board? 

First, let’s talk about where the soffit and fascia board are located!  The soffit is what you see under the roofing eaves. It is a big part of regulating the temperature inside your home by helping it breathe. The soffit draws in the cool, dry air and pulls out the hot, moist air. 

The fascia board goes around the exterior edge of the roof and overhang, providing an attractive, decorative touch. The fascia board gives the roof a finished look and is where the gutter runs are installed. 

If there is any damaged or missing soffit or fascia board, repairs are important to the well-being of the roof and the structure. What can happen if soffit or fascia board repairs aren’t done? 

Without the soffit, the rafters and sheathing would be exposed to the elements, putting them at risk of developing mold and wood rot. , The fascia board is also exposed to the elements 24/7/365 and works along with the soffit protecting the rafters and sheathing. In addition, soffit and fascia board repairs will keep small critters, insects, and pests from nesting in the attic. Once they are in the attic and build nests, they gnaw the wiring and wood, eating their way into your home. To recap the importance of soffit and fascia board repair: 

  • They are the first line of defense against the elements and more
  • They minimize risking structural damage by the elements
  • They are the structural support for the gutter runs
  • They prevent mold, water damage, and wood rot
  • They improve attic ventilation 
  • They keep moisture out of the attic
  • They are the finishing touch to the roofing

What kind of wood is used for the fascia board?

Several types of wood can be used for building the fascia board, including: 

  • Cedar
  • Cypress
  • Fir
  • Pine
  • Redwood
  • Spruce

Most roofing contractors prefer and recommend cedar, cypress, or redwood for the fascia boards. They are the most expensive option, but they are the most resistant, making fascia board repairs rare. 

How much does it cost to have the fascia board repaired or replaced?

This will depend on a few factors, starting with the type of wood the fascia board is made with. The amount of damage will have an impact on the cost of fascia board repairs or replacement. 

Can you replace the fascia without replacing the soffit?

The fascia and soffit are both important. While you could replace the soffit without having any fascia, it isn’t recommended. If only the soffit needs to be replaced, the fascia board will have to be removed first but should be returned once the soffit is installed. 

Which is installed first, the fascia or the soffit?

The soffit is installed first, attaching to the eaves of the roof, and then the fascia, as the outer edge covering of the eaves, is installed next. The fascia’s top edge is kept in place with the under sill trim or behind drip-edge or flashing.

How do you fix rotting fascia?

If the fascia is showing any of the following, you should either have the fascia board repaired or replaced: 

  • Moisture damage
  • Algae, fungus or mold 
  • Cracking 
  • Critter or insect damage
  • Bowed or holes 

If fascia board repairs is possible, you can either call your roofing contractor or complete this yourself with the following steps

  1. Inspect the fascia all around the house
  2. Remove the drip edge and gutters 
  3. Remove the damaged existing fascia board
  4. Measure the replacement boards, measure again, then make the cuts
  5. Cover the seams where the boards meet with waterproof caulk or sealant
  6. Paint the new fascia board to match the existing, or repaint all of the fascia
  7. Install the drip edges and gutters

In Conclusion

How often should soffit and fascia board repairs need to be done?  As a homeowner, inspect your roofing and siding every month and after any significant weather event. If you notice any of the signs we’ve mentioned, make the soffit or fascia board repairs needed as quickly as possible. 

The longer they are damaged, the more chances of water intrusion as well as the invasion of critters and insects. In addition, putting the roof and entire home at risk of damage, damaged soffit or fascia can have an impact on the appearance and curb appeal of your home. 

You can either do soffit or fascia repairs or replacements yourself. Make sure you have a helper and wear the appropriate PPE while doing the job. Or be safe and hire a professional roofer to do the job. This will give you some guarantee and warranty to fall back on if there are problems in the future. For the best fascia board repair in Canton, GA, call our team at 770-735-4433 now!